As you know, a pump is a device that pumps fluids and liquids to a higher or lower level with high pressure and speed with the help of electric power. In some pumps, they use diesel and gasoline engines to start. This model is mostly used in areas where there is no electricity. ToBuy an industrial pumpOne should be knowledgeable about important matters in order to witness a good and appropriate choice. In this article, we have prepared a buying guide for all types of pumps .
Select the type of pump
Industrial pumps are divided into several categories, each category has different applications.
- centrifuge
- Circulator pump
- floor
- Hot oil pump
- anti-acid
- Booster pump
These are just some of the types of pumps. Each of the mentioned items have unique characteristics according to their application. Some of them are used in agriculture and food industry. Some others are used in factories and water and sewage companies, and some others are used for domestic purposes.
Dubai pumps
The pump flow rate shows how much the device is able to pump water, liquid materials and solid particles in a time cycle. The amount of material transfer in the pump depends on the height of the pump because the higher the height, the less the pressure applied to the pump.
Since the flow rate deals with the transfer rate of fluid materials in time, the amount of time spent for a certain amount of fluid materials can be considered. Therefore, paying attention to this point at the time of purchase can be of great help in making your wish come true.
Pump head
Pump head or pump pressure indicates the power of transferring materials to the upper and lower levels, which can be measured in meters or feet.Centrifugal pumpsand calculated in terms of square inches and kilopascals in rotary pumps. Pump head calculation is done by experts and requires great accuracy.
To calculate the head, the height at which the pumping is to be done must be taken into account. For example, in industrial applications, it should be determined at what height the pump is placed. You should buy the right pump according to the piping of the environment to make sure that the pumping pressure is suitable for the intended space. It should be noted that increasing the flow will lead to a decrease in the height of the head.

aboutCalculate the efficiency of centrifugal pumpsIt has already been mentioned on the website, which you can read from the blog section.
Fluid type
Another important and vital point at the time of purchase is paying attention to the concentration and temperature of the fluid. Also, the type of pump should be selected according to the type of fluid. Some fluid materials such as acids and salt water will cause corrosion of pump parts, so the choice of industrial pump and its parts in these cases should be checked and confirmed by an expert familiar with this field.
MFA company according to market needs Pump antacid And Salt water pumpalso produces It is also very important to pay attention to the resistance of the pump against corrosion, the leakage of suitable seals for toxic fluid materials and also the proper impeller in choosing a pump for fluid materials and solid particles.
Pump quality
A quality pump must be made of quality material. It also has a standard badge. Before making a purchase, we can find out about the satisfaction of customers who have purchased the desired product. The only way is to refer to the website of the industrial pump seller so that the customers can be informed about its quality safely. You can see the projects in which our company’s pumps have been used by visiting the main page of the site.
MFA company’s pumps have the following standards:
- European CE standard from SZUTEST
- FROM 24255
- Quality management standard
- National standard
- Confirmation from the Deputy Minister of Water and Soil of the Ministry of Agricultural Jihad
- Approval from the water organization
Horizontal or vertical
Another point to consider when buying a pump is whether the pump is vertical or horizontal. SelectionFloor pumpsThey should also be selected according to the type of application. Vertical floor pumps are more suitable for places with limited space due to the fact that they occupy less space.
Single phase or three phase
Another point that should be taken into consideration for the pump buying guide is whether the pump is single-phase or three-phase. Single-phase pumps consume less electricity than three-phase pumps and have more resistance.
after sales service
At the time of purchase, be sure to pay attention to the after-sales service of the product, because this issue is of particular importance when you need to repair and replace parts. Also, make sure that there are spare parts for the product in the market to ensure that you have a safe purchase. ProductsAbarvan companyAll have 18 months warranty and 10 years after sales service .
A few more points
In this section , we include some final tips for the industrial pump buying guide .
Before choosing and buying a pump, you should pay attention to the following:
- Have simple and easy access to the pump.
- There should be a suitable space for installing the pump.
- The place where the pump is installed should have the necessary and sufficient lighting and ventilation.
- Periodically visit the pump so that it can be repaired in time if needed.
- According to the type of operation in factories, workshops and industrial environments, industrial pumps have more facilities and have more power to transfer fluid materials.
- Industrial pumps should be selected according to the environment in which they are installed and what type of application they have.
- Pay attention to the amount of sound produced during work. Especially if you want to use the pump in a closed space, attention to this point will be more priority.
- Paying attention to the weight of the pump, the height and diameter of the inlet and outlet pipes, the material of the pump body, the material of the shaft, the characteristics of the pump motor, including its maximum speed and power, should be considered at the time of purchase.
Why is it important to choose the right pump?
The use of water pump in domestic, agricultural and industrial use is very important. Considering the importance and value of water and considering the fact that it should be consumed in moderation and its optimal use is highly recommended, therefore using a suitable water pump can be valuable and profitable in realizing this goal. . Also, preventing the waste of pumped fluid is also important from an economic point of view.
In this article, we tried to express the basic points that you need to know when preparing different types of pumps. Abarvan company is ready to provide you with expert advice with its experienced consultants.
Specialist purchase advice
If you want to buy an industrial pump, it is recommended to contact the company’s experts and get free advice. In this consultation, useful information about the types of pumps and their use will be introduced to you, which can help you make a safe purchase. Consulting with experts in this field will help you buy the best products at a reasonable price and high quality. Experts in this field will guide you in choosing and buying the right industrial pump according to the type of pump application, type of fluid material, solid particles and product production.
Abarvan Pump Company has been working in this field for many years by providing high-quality industrial pumps and providing quality after-sales services. To get the listTypes of industrial pumpsand their prices, contact us.